Friday, January 28, 2011

Game Fan Films

I have recently adopted a Playstation 3.  It is awesome.  Since I'm coming into the whole PS3 thing pretty late into the game, I've been playing a bunch of the early PS3 games since they are fairly inexpensive now.  The first two I picked up were 'Metal Gear Solid 4' and 'Resistance: Fall of Man'.  Both of which have turned out to be great games.  I completed my first play through of Metal Gear 4 last night.  Still working through Resistance though.

Metal Gear 4 was an outstanding game.  I haven't played a Metal Gear title since Metal Gear Solid 2 came out on the PS2 years ago.  I have completely missed out on the Metal Gear for PSP titles, and Snake Eater.  Metal Gear has always been about story.  It's plot is heavy with conspiracy and twists and turns.  I remember back with Metal Gear Solid 2 people where complaining about the cut-scenes.  It seemed almost like you were playing a little and watching a lot.  This is no different with Metal Gear Solid 4.  However, I knew this would be the case going into the game.  If you like story and narrative, this is a must play.

After playing through last night, I'm looking forward to going back to the Playstation Store and buying the original Metal Gear Solid for PSX.  Yes, the graphics are very dated...But c'mon, it's classic gaming at it's best.  Since I've been down memory lane a little with Metal Gear.  I stumbled upon a fan film the other day.  It's entitled: 'Metal Gear Solid Philanthropy'.  I know a lot of fan films get the stigma that they suck because they are a fan film.  But often, fan films showcase a lot of talent that isn't able to be backed up by big funding.

It is free for streaming or downloading (admittedly I haven't watched it yet due to time constraints).  But it has a great looking trailer.  I'm trying to make time this weekend to view it.  If you watch it, why not drop by and leave a comment on how you liked it.  Their site is:

And one of the trailers:


Busy Busy Year So Far!

A little on the late side, but welcome to 2011 everybody.  So far it's been a crazy start to the new year for me.  So it's time to try and get back into the routine.  January has been filled with all kinds of wild news and rumors from the tech world.

Starting off with the recent rumor that Zuckerberg would be shutting down Facebook (which was of course, false).  Nintendo teasing the world with it's revolutionary 3DS (3D graphics can pop out of the screen much like the 3D movies do, but without the need for the player to wear special glasses).  Recently, there has been some buzz about the PSP2 (Playstation Portable 2).

The big news for me this week was the reveal of the official 'Duke Nukem Forever'.  See below for the trailer.  Please keep in mind the source material, it is Duke Nukem.  The trailer is censored, but is definitely a little beyond NSFW.  Looks like we are looking at May 3rd for Duke's return.  (Hopefully that won't change, we need the Duke back in present day gaming!  lol
Check it out:

So with that said and done.  I have to roll.  Check back soon for more updates!