Ask Techie

I have been working in the tech industry since January of 2004.  However, I have been a computer nerd/geek/gamer for as long as I can remember.  I have a blast trying to help others come to a helpful solution with their computer/technology woes.

This is a move to start a monthly section (will be more often than that should I get a great response); that will allow me to take and answer your tech/computer questions.  If you are having a pesky Windows issue and need a little guidance, or if you have a question about Linux, or anything in between.  I would like you to send me an email to:

I'll do my best to try and find an answer for you or point you in a direction that will help you.  The answers will be posted to the Techie.Smarts Blog for all to read and I will make them anonymous.  You're email will not be used for spam, and will not be passed off to anyone else.  After answering your question, the email will then be deleted out of the queue.

Help me, help you.

Happy Surfing!