Wednesday, January 18, 2012


In the spirit of all of the publicity from the SOPA/PIPA blackouts today, we at TechieSmarts want to go on record to say that we do oppose SOPA/PIPA.  As you all probably know and understand the 'goal' of both the SOPA and PIPA proposals are to combat piracy.  However, what this really means are restrictions would be placed on webhosts, service providers, and even users that are so vague and loose that they very hint of anything potentially copyright-infringing could land all of the above parties in deed legal crap.

As with other anti-piracy attempts (like DRM), these proposals will hurt those who try to use the web in all sense of honesty.  Those who choose to pirate or copyright materials will just find another way to do it.  So we are only hurting ourselves if we as user's of the internet don't make our voices heard.  These proposals go way larger than what I have the time or space to go into on this simple blog.  But don't be snowed on the idea that this is a beneficial thing; because it is not.

We all know the entertainment industry are huge supports of SOPA/PIPA.  So let's look at it this way.  Would you let the entertainment industry run other aspects of your life?  I know I wouldn't.  So why would we want to stand back and let them tell us how to use our internet access? After all, instead of fighting piracy, this is actually what they will be doing.

So take a moment and sign the petition: