Let's break it down. For $59.99 you can preorder the standard game. All preorder customers get the following perks:
-Beta Access to ALL GW2 beta events.
-A Three Day Headstart Access when the game releases.
-The Hero's Band ingame item.
For $79.99 Digital Deluxe Edition you get the above three perks and:
-The game.
-Summon Mistfire Wolf Elite Skill (ingame).
-Miniature Rytlock pet (ingame).
-Golem Bank (lasts for 5 days - ingame).
-Chalice of Glory (earns extra Glory and it a one time use item - ingame).
-Tome of Influence (guild stuff - ingame).
And the ubersweet Collector's Edition ($149.99) will include all of the above goodies, perks, and ingame items, as well as:
-10 inch Rytlock figurine.
-Book: "Making of Guild Wars 2"
-Custom Art Frame
-Art Portfolio and 5 Art Prints
-Best of Guild Wars 2 Sountrack CD
Sounds pretty freaking sweet! As an avid fan of the original Guild Wars, I can honestly say I have been awaiting the arrival of it's sequel for some time now. And I have a renewed desire to jump back in the original and try to finally fill up my Hall of Monuments (which is a little on the bare side).
Here's the kicker, there still isn't an official release date other than they are aiming for a 2012 release. I have been burned in the past on game preorders. So it is unlikely that I will partake of the preorder process. However, seeing the preorders being opened up is huge news for a game that we have waited on for so long now.
So if preordering is up your alley be sure to swing by their website: https://buy.guildwars2.com/
Checkout the trailer as well:
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