Thursday, February 28, 2013

Falcon Pro is Still Kicking

Falcon Pro for Twitter
As reported in a post yesterday, one of the best Twitter clients on the Google Play Store was having some issues with Twitter's Access Token limits.  For the time being, things seem to have been worked out.  No Twitter didn't recant on their stand of not increasing Falcon Pro's token limitations.

Instead, looks like the tokens were reset.  Thus freeing up used tokens.  The only catch is that if you are still a user of the app, when you download the latest update, you will be required to log back into Twitter via the app.  Not a big deal whatsoever.

This is great news, as now the app can once again be purchased.  It is unfortunate that Twitter is still sticking to their position as well.  Especially since it is inevitable that the app will hit the 100k token limit again at some point.  In the meantime, the developer has set the price back to a "purchasable" cost at $1.96.  For more information be sure to checkout the Falcon Pro page on the Google Play Store.