Friday, October 22, 2010

Sintel an Open Source Movie Awesomeness!

Hi everybody, if you have been following this blog at all; then you will know first hand that I am a huge fan/proponent/advocate for open source software.  I also like art, drawing, painting, and animation stuff in my other spare time. :)  So this recommendation is right up my alley.

If you have never heard of Blender, you should get to know the name.  You may be seeing it more and to show off it's capabilities the Durian Open Movie Project created "Sintel".  It is an outstanding project that's primary goal was to create a film created using Blender.  It is a great short film and took a lot of effort from these talented folks, so do yourself a favor and check it out on YouTube.  You can also download it, and soon buy a 4 disk DVD set.   Check it out: