Friday, March 1, 2013

National Day of Unplugging

National Day of Unplugging
Did you hear?  That this evening from sunset until tomorrow (March 2nd), a nonprofit group named "Reboot" has suggested we have a "National Day of Unplugging".  The goal is to encourage people put disconnect for technology for the close to a 24 hour period.  In attempt to battle "burnout" and stress that comes from being wired into technology all the time (like most of us are).

I see a couple things about the "National Day of Unplugging".  First: is it kind of funny that a large portion of the time spent "unplugged" will occur at night while a lot of us sleep?  Or it it because a lot of recreational technology use is done of the evenings after we all get home from work?

Second, isn't it kind of funny that instead of starting say March 1st at 8:00a let's unplug.  Instead, it's the idea of getting through the business day and then unplugging.

My skepticism aside,  I completely understand that with the advent of things such as our laptops, tablets, and smartphones we all are hooked up way more than we probably should.  And yes, I am positive that I understand that with these technological attachments comes the added stress from always being "in the know" whether it be for personal or work use.

But for me, one day of being unplugged just isn't enough.  For me personally, I try to leave my phone in the other room on occasion.  Or go out to eat and leave the smartphone at home.  In reality, we will not be gone that long and the phone can wait.  With all of that being said, I doubt I'll be participating this evening and tomorrow (as these times are my usual gaming times and that requires being hook into tech).

But for those who wish to participate, I highly commend you.  Just don't over do it when you pick up your phone tomorrow evening.

For more on the "National Day of Unplugging" visit: