So what's under the hood:
-Supports 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p, and 480i.
-Compatible with HDMI, Composite and S-video cables (yes, we are getting HDMI this time).
-Internal Flash Memory for storage, but will also support SD Cards and external USB Hard Drives.
-4 USB 2.0 slots and an IBM Multi Core Processor.
The console will of course use a new proprietary disc format for the Wii U games (still a 12 inch optical disc). But will also support the Wii disc format as well allowing for backwards compatibility for Wii games and peripherals. Not a bad idea.
One of the most notable features of the new Wii U is of course the controller. The Wii U will allow up to 4 Wii Remotes/Wii Remote Plus controllers to be used at a time. Nintendo is also keeping backwards compatibility for the previous Wii remotes (all remotes/classic controllers/nunchucks and Wii Balance Board) are compatible. However, the newest trick is the 'New Controller'. The 'New Controller' looks to incorporate all kinds of technologies: remember the Wii Speak accessory for voice chat, stylus (Nintendo DS), and a crazy looking controller (N64). It all sounds so familiar, but looks so new.
The 'New Controller' is essentially a tablet. Call this a gimmick or call it 'revolutionary' not so sure yet. I like the idea. However, it looks like a large, single screen, Nintendo DS. So what does it do?
The 'New Controller' contains:
-6.9 inch, 16:9 ratio touch screen
-Traditional D-Pad (on left side of screen) and A/B/X/Y (right side of the screen).
-2 Analog Circle Pads
-L/R and ZL/ZR buttons
-Microphone and Front Facing Camera
-Gyroscope and Accelerometer
-Stereo Speakers
-Sensor Strip
-Stylus and Rumble features
So basically it's a tablet with game controls built into it. Sounds kind of gimmicky to me. At least until I watch the release video. The release video shows a guy playing a Super Mario game on the tv. His friend walks into the room and makes a comment about watching some baseball and the player simply pauses the game, his friend turns on his baseball game broadcast and the player picks up his 'New Controller' which is now displaying the Super Mario game right where he left off.
They also show someone sketching a picture of Link using the stylus for those of you who are more artistically gifted. One of the neatest features I saw was the girl playing golf. She lays the 'New Controller' on the floor and stands over it with a Wii Remote. The camera looks down ontop of the 'New Controller' where you can see the golf ball sitting in the dirt. She swings the Wii Remote and hits the gof ball which seamlessly leaps from it's rest on the 'New Controller' screen and off into the games 'sky' on the television. You see the dirt cloud fly up on the 'New Controller' screen and it trails right onto the gameplay on the television. Pretty awesome.
They also highlight other uses for the 'New Controller' by teasing a Zelda game (which looks amazing), but it allows you to see Link's inventory screen and show video from the game on the controller. I can imagine developers will have endless possibilities of things they can use this other screen for. Hopefully to clear up some screen real estate on the television screen.
Some of the other features allow you to push video from the 'New Controller' to the television to show off video clips and some rather cumbersome looking web surfing. I can forsee the peripheral makers having a field day with this new control scheme. Especially when you walk through any major retail store now and see all sorts of plastic gun, shield, sword, and gold club attachments for the Wii Remote. I'm sure Nintendo will run with this much like they did with the Wii. My only fear is what the cost of one of these 'New Controller' units will cost the consumer. After all, if the 'New Controller' is outrageously expensive I foresee it having a slow adoption rate amongst potential customers. But if Nintendo can keep the price point down low enough, I'm sure they'll be riding the Wii coat tails even longer. On another note, Nintendo are you really going to name your newest controller the 'New Controller' at least get a little creative why not something catchy like the 'NintenTab' or 'Wii Universal Remote' or something.
So sit back and enjoy the release video, I know I did. And will continue to keep an eye on the Wii U's development in the near future. Happy Surfing!
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