The last several weeks have been pretty eventful in our house as far as my PS3 has been involved. And in a good way. As part of Sony's "Welcome Back" package I downloaded "Little Big Planet" and "inFamous". And yesterday I picked up the much anticipated "Duke Nukem Forever".
So what is my take on my recent game selections? "Little Big Planet" is a neat and addictive game. But it is obviously targeted more towards the casual game audience. Which is great for those times you just want to get a few minutes of gameplay squeezed into your busy life. I like how you can buddy up with other players and follow each other around to other "planets" and continue the game together. However, it is obvious that the developers of "Little Big Planet" are hoping their audience will shell out their hard earned cash for add-ons. Some of the most popular add-ons apparently being new skins and costume pieces for Sackboy. All in all, if you have young gamers in the house, this is the game for them.
"inFamous" was my second free selection once the Playstation Store came back online. And I must say that I am happy I picked this title. It's a fun take on the whole sandbox gameplay mechanic. The easiest way to describe it would be to think of "GTA" or "Saints Row" meets a newfound super human. You spend a lot of time bouncing around the city fighting the 'Reapers' (basically mutated junkies) and completing missions to discover your characters background and story. I would have actually paid for this game and I actually look forward to checking out it's sequel once I have completed this one. Did I mention you also get to control whether you play as an evil character or a good one...So many decisions.
And my most recent purchase is "Duke Nukem Forever". I'm actually not going to mention much about "DNF" in this post due to it needing it's own review in and of itself. In short, the game is awesome as long as you keep in mind the source material. If you ever played "Duke 3D" back in the day, you should be pleased. And by the way, if I read one more Twitter post or forum comment that reads: 'this game is nothing like Duke 64 and therefore sucks' or 'Duke's first game which debuted on the n64 was way better, I want my money back' I will probably scream. And yes, those are some of the actual comments I have found on other sites in response to this game. For those less cultured in videogame history of legendary characters, Duke goes way back before the Nintendo 64 port and started out as a 2D platformer... Ok, enough of that, subject settled.
Look for my comprehensive review of "Duke Nukem Forever" to post in the next day or so. In the meantime look for Duke's demo on PC and Xbox 360 which was released this week for everybody.
Happy Surfing!
Friday, June 24, 2011
PS3 Game Showdown!
Friday, June 24, 2011
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duke nukem forever,
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