With E3 going on there are no lack of great news stories to cover. I'll be trying to catch some of the more unique and buzzed trailers from online as they are released and showcase them here, so check back soon.
The trailer for this game looks pretty crazy. Yes, it sounds a lot like the Inception theme, and yes it looks to borrow a lot of mind bending and landscape twisting effects used in the Inception movie. The craziest thing about this trailer is the use of cover mechanics. Check it out.
Halo 4Yep, you read that right...Another Halo title. But seriously, was anybody surprised to see another Master Chief adventure? I wasn't, not really anyways. But it looks pretty sweet. I don't think there will be anything revolutionary about this episode into the Halo cannon, but hey...It's blowing crap up as Master Chief right?
Devil May Cry 5It seems as though Dante/Devil May Cry has been a huge staple in the gaming world for several years now. It does look like the games design is taking somewhat of a different look. The games graphics look more stylized than they once did and the lead character looks pretty different as well. And it looks pretty 'Inceptiony' as well.
Look for more to come soon!
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