I am now taking Reader Questions! That's right I'm striving for a deeper level of interaction between myself and my readers here at TechieSmarts! So, if you have a question that you have been itching to ask someone about computers, Linux, gaming, Android, or any other computer question...I want to know about and I want to try and help you.
I enjoy computers and all that is contained therein. And would love the opportunity to answer your questions.
So you can leave me a comment on any of my Blog Posts (they are kept private until I approve them) or drop me a line at: help_me@techie.com
If you ask a question that is worthy of a How To Video I will read the question out on the video and try my best to demonstrate a solution. Otherwise, look for a blog entry for your answers. I'd like to try and make this at least a monthly post if possible. If enough questions roll in, I'd love to make it a weekly or bi-weekly feature on the blog.
So help me to help you! I look forward to interacting with you!
App of the Week:
My Favorite Links:
Blog Archive
- Falling Skies is freaking awesome!
- Mortal Kombat Legacy Ep. 9, first season down...
- Importance of Backups...Part 3
- Now Taking Reader Questions!
- Virtual Boxes-No Install Required?!
- Backing Up Your Data...Part 2
- ASUS Transformer Getting Honeycomb 3.2...Today?!
- While We're on The MMO bandwagon: DCUO DLC!
- Google Music...What is it?
- Just another Star Wars: The Old Republic Trailer
- Star Wars: The Old Republic PreOrders Happening Now!
- The Importance of Backups...
- Android App Update: Cordy Gets More Levels!
- Honeycomb 3.1 on my Acer Iconia a500 Review
- Vista troubles no more!
- Vista PC Pain...
- Vista Hardships...
- Visa Issues...I know, Vista right?! LOL
- Acer Iconia Tab a500 Update Complete
- Acer Iconia Tablet a500 Update Woes...UPDATE is Gr...
- Feeling Jilted over NetFlix? There are other choi...
- Acer Iconia Tablet a500 Update Woes...Weekend Update
- Teaser: 'Serious Sam 3 BFE'- The Headless Kamikaze...
- Movie Review: 'Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallows P...
- PC Exclusive: Hard Reset
- Element14.com: Open Source Hardware Mods
- "Honeycomb 3.1? Not for you Acer a500 Owner! " -Acer
- Software of the Week: MalwareBytes
- Memory: Call it Soft, Squishy, or Jelly Like?
- New F2P Game: FireFall
- New Captain America Clip
- Space MMO 'Black Prophecy' goes live in NA!
- Acer Iconia Tablet a500 Update Woes... UPDATE
- EA Shutting Down Game Servers
- Update on the Non-Update for my Acer Tablet...Tick...
- Netflix's New Deal? Yep, sucks for those who like...
- Acer Iconia Tablet a500 Update Woes...
- Movie Reboot: The Evil Dead?
- Batman Arkham City Trailers
- Age of Conan: Unchained F2P
- Acer Tech Support
- New 'The Secret World' Trailer: Savage Coast
- Sony Network Pass? What the crap?
- Facebook: Skype Chatting?
- Google+ You = New Social Network?!
- Progress Update: 'Duke Nukem Forever' for PS3
- Software of the Week: Combofix
- Quick TV Review: Falling Skies
- F2P News: Age of Conan: Unchained
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Now Taking Reader Questions!

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computer advice,
computer answers,
computer help,
computer problems,
computer questions,
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help me,
linux os,
tech advice,
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