Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Netflix's New Deal? Yep, sucks for those who like DVD's.

Looks like Netflix is going to be raising the price of their Streaming/DVD offering.  For those of us who still get DVD rentals from Netflix and are using the Unlimited Streaming + 1 DVD Rental at a Time offering.  Well we're fixing to get screwed.  In a big way.  Netflix raised the price of this offering not by some measly 25 cents or a simple $1.  But by a whopping 60%.  That takes the price from $9.99 a month to $15.98.

This price is said to include both the $7.99 price for the Streaming only plan and the same $7.99 for the DVD Rental plan bringing it to a total of $15.98.  The change in pricing will start on Sept. 1st with current members noticing the change then, and new customer's will be hit immediately when their first payment is processed.

I understand the whole streaming video is the way of the future for these video retailers, and this is how they'll throttle down the use of the DVD.  However, think about those of us who don't necessarily want to burn our already capped and monitored internet bandwidth for family movie night.  It's a shame, and may cause my horizons to look elsewhere in terms of online video.