Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Google+ You = New Social Network?!

One of the big items in tech news over the course of the last few days has been the debut of Google+.  If you've been hiding away from the news for the last several days; then you may have no clue what Google+ is.  Simply put, it is another Social Networking site (much like Facebook and the now mostly ghost towned MySpace).

So what is Google doing differently? Well off hand, I'm not sure.  Reason being, they are limiting access now in what appears to be a sort of beta testing phase.  But according to the project's website, here are some new features (and new terms you may have to become acquainted with).

-Circles: apparently you can group people into individual circles.  For example in real life: you may play Team Fortress 2 with 5 people, and work with 3 people.  Perhaps you want to keep these 'social circles' separate from each other (much like in real life).  You would create a circle with your gaming buddies and a separate circle for you coworkers.

-Hangouts: basically a section of the site that allows a face to face group chat with people from your circles.  A neat feature, apparently the person speaking the loudest will take the spotlight.  Kind of cool, but potentially annoying as well.

-Sparks: Basically an automatic feed that is shown to you based off of things it thinks you will like to see, read, or watch and can share that on your page.  Still out on this feature, personally think this can get out of control (in theory).

-Huddle: group chat.

-Instant Upload: So, you're out at the mall or really large retail store for which people like to go when they look funny (aka Walmart) and you see something funny.  You're first reaction is to reach for your smartphone and take a picture.  Second reaction, post said picture to your favorite social network to share.  Google+ apparently grants an instant upload feature for pictures and videos.

So, what do you think?  Think Google can topple Zuckerberg's Facebook? Or at best give FB a run for it's money?  Time will tell.  If by chance I get an invite I'll spread the information love from the inside.

Happy Surfing!