Thursday, October 6, 2011

Doom shows up in id Software's Rage!

Just a couple of days ago we posted a quick note about id Software giving gamer's a little throwback to old school games by including a Wolfenstein 3D room (see link).  Well, as expected by many, news has broken that there is a Doom room as well!  Be sure to watch the YouTube video below by YouTuber: XCVii007r1

If you remember the Wolfenstein 3D room contained an amulet from the original game that you could collect.  In the Doom room, you'll find a 'Space Marine bobblehead' figure.  The inclusion of things like this in games are genius ideas.  What better way to introduce your companies games to the folks who are to young to remember those old schoold PC game, but are now getting into these more mature games made by older developers.  It's almost like finding a timeline of subject matter within the game.  Kudos id Software!