Monday, October 3, 2011

Facebook's Timeline Feature Goes to Court...

If you have seen the new Facebook Timeline feature, you're probably thinking that looks cool, but...(Where the... can be any random thought or idea).  Well according to; they claim it will not only infringe upon their trademarks but also put them on the endangered list.

On Thursday, filed a lawsuit against the social networking giant on the grounds that Facebook's latest feature will lead people to believe that and Facebook are affiliated (which they are not).  However, does hold the trademark for both their URL (the .com) and the word timelines.

Looks like Mr. Zuckerberg is in a little hot water (again).  Personally, I say do what they do best (and have done in the past).  Quit screwing around with the Facebook layout.  If they search the web, they will know that their user's hate it when they switch things up.  Because with every new layout change, they always find a way to obscure the line between Facebook, their users, and privacy settings and all in the name of progress.  Quite making things confusing, and continue making your money the way you always have.

My response to their latest changes, I think that the release of Google+ had them spooked.  And as a draw to either keep user's on Facebook or at least keep Facebook in the headlines during that time was to roll out immediate changes to the layout and immediately start teasing shots of the Timeline feature to keep people hooked in.

For more info on the new Facebook feature, checkout: