Friday, October 23, 2009

Jolicloud: Mozilla's entry into the Netbook OS Market


Ok, check it out. I love Firefox. It's great. Constant updates, fast software, reliable. It's awesome in my opinion. I do not own a Netbook (would like one, for novelty sake, don't really need one, but it looks like a neat toy for me). But if I did, I would more than likely be running the Netbook Ubuntu Remix.

But with Mozilla behind this project, it would be tempting to at least check it out. Their site claims that 'Wifi, Bluetooth, and 3G modems work out of the box on a growing list of supported hardware.' Check out the Hardware Compatibility List at:

Mozilla's goal is to turn the netbook into a 'web device' by using this 'Internet operating system'. By using this Open Source, cloud based solution you can try to combine your web and computing experiences. According to the Jolicloud site it is based on: Ubuntu and Debian Linux (Ubuntu is a derivative of the Debian OS). Which means it should be rather stable. And it looks as though it will be fairly simple to install (which has been one complaint of people who wish to install their own OS on a netbook).

Netbooks (by standard adoption) do not include a physical disk drive, leaving the user to install software via USB Flash Drives or external Hard Drives. Some of this has been addressed by alternative OS installs, but it still is present to those who wish not to use Windows XP on their Netbook.

Personally, this sounds like a pretty tight little piece of software. I will be keeping watch on it, and I have also registered for an Invitation to try out the OS. Which could mean for some fun working with VirtualBox. Swing by their site and check them out: