Friday, March 5, 2010

Crysis 2 Screenshots! w00t!

As a fan of 'Crysis' and 'Crysis: Warhead', I have been eagerly awaiting news for 'Crysis 2'. And has delivered. They have listed up several new screens for the much anticipated sequel.  New features to the sequel include a new setting for the game (a half-destroyed version of New York), more aliens, a new version of the Nano Suit, and a promise of more big gun action.  The game engine has also been revamped.  The sequel looks like it has quite a bit to offer.  Plus it's supposed to be a multiplatform release (PC, Xbox 360, and PS3).  Which means, if you own a console, you'll not need a beast of a computer to play the game this time around.

Scoot over to to see more.

*Note: Crysis and Crysis 2 are properties of EA Games, photos 'borrowed' from