Wednesday, May 12, 2010

This Week In The News: Steam for Mac, Google Tablet, Retirement for Space Shuttle

Sorry for the absence of news here over the last few weeks. The personal/work life has been crazy.  Anyways, on with this weeks news.  Mac Gamers Unite! Google Tablet? And farewell Atlantis!

First up, Mac gamer's rejoice!  Steam has been released for the Mac.  Go ahead, hurry and download it.  There are currently 57 titles available (see link for list: ).  Also until May 24th, Portal is free for everybody!  Also check this out, if you have downloaded a title for Windows, than the Mac version is available for free.  Pretty sweet deal!  Buy one title and play cross platform.  Nice job Steam!

Next up, looks like Google (in the never ending quest for world domination) are in talks with Verizon over a tablet.  Despite the fact that the iPad has been a pretty good success for Apple.  Can Google do the same, or trump Apple's accomplishment.  Time will tell.

Space Shuttle Atlantis is set to launch for it's final mission on Friday.  This mission is to drop off supplies and replace some parts on the International Space Station.  This sets the stage for the last three shuttle missions by NASA; which will also mark the completion of the International Space Station.  Kudos!

Until next week!  Happy surfing!