Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Movie LetDown! No 'At The Mountains of Madness'!

In an interview posted today over at: with Guillermo Del Toro it was revealed that a film adaptation of "At The Mountains of Madness" (originally penned by the legendary H.P. Lovecraft); more than likely will not be happening.  Del Toro who is known for directing some pretty big and ambitious films in the past (from "Pan's Labrynth", and the marvelous work on the "Hellboy" series).  No doubt Del Toro would have been just the director for a movie adaption of one of Lovecraft's most loved works.

It appears as though the movie would have been granted an 'R' rating in the U.S.  And apparently Universal didn't want to take a gamble on such an undertaking.  Especially since the estimated budget was around $150 million dollars.  That's a pretty good chunk of change to be gambling with.  Who knows, sounds like right now the world may just not be ready for a trip through 'At The Mountains of Madness'.  By the way, if you are a fan of classic science fiction and have not read this short story yet, do yourself a favor and read it ASAP.

Amazon Link to: 'At The Mountains of Madness' paperback