Monday, November 7, 2011

Video: Installing Gnome Shell 3

Our latest video has just gone live on our YouTube Channel and it cover's yet another alternate desktop environment for your Ubuntu 11.10 installation.  This video covers installing Gnome Shell 3!

The latest version of Gnome Shell brings with it some changes and some rather fancy looking eye candy as well.  I honestly haven't had a whole lot of hands on with Gnome Shell 3 since making the video, but I do plan on digging in this week and learning how to get around in it and I will chronicle my sessions with at least one Gnome Shell 3 Basics video.

Overall the new Shell looks pretty slick.  It's a very clean looking desktop with a lot of the usual screen clutter (i.e.: menu's, icons, etc.) all being hidden in the activities menu.  I kind of like the concepts behind it as well.  And my first initial impressions of Gnome Shell 3 are:
- I can't wait to try it out a little more in depth.
- It looks amazing, and with the right theme could look even sweeter.
- Seems to be very snappy and responsive under VirtualBox.

So without further delay, checkout our latest video on how to install Gnome Shell 3:

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