Friday, April 13, 2012

Guild Wars 2 up for PreOrder Now!

This week was a big week especially for gamers!  Not quite sure what I am hinting at?  Let me expound, this week pre-sales started for the much anticipated Guild Wars 2!  This game has been a long time in the making and ArenaNet has been teasing those of us who cut our teeth on the first Guild Wars with screens and videos and even beta testing for some (but unfortunately no beta testing for me).  So how much is it? What do you get for preordering? Is there a Collector's Edition?  And when does it hit the street?

Let's break it down.  For $59.99 you can preorder the standard game.  All preorder customers get the following perks:
-Beta Access to ALL GW2 beta events.
-A Three Day Headstart Access when the game releases.
-The Hero's Band ingame item.

For $79.99 Digital Deluxe Edition you get the above three perks and:
-The game.
-Summon Mistfire Wolf Elite Skill (ingame).
-Miniature Rytlock pet (ingame).
-Golem Bank (lasts for 5 days - ingame).
-Chalice of Glory (earns extra Glory and it a one time use item - ingame).
-Tome of Influence (guild stuff - ingame).

And the ubersweet Collector's Edition ($149.99) will include all of the above goodies, perks, and ingame items, as well as:
-10 inch Rytlock figurine.
-Book: "Making of Guild Wars 2"
-Custom Art Frame
-Art Portfolio and 5 Art Prints
-Best of Guild Wars 2 Sountrack CD

Sounds pretty freaking sweet!  As an avid fan of the original Guild Wars, I can honestly say I have been awaiting the arrival of it's sequel for some time now.  And I have a renewed desire to jump back in the original and try to finally fill up my Hall of Monuments (which is a little on the bare side).

Here's the kicker, there still isn't an official release date other than they are aiming for a 2012 release.  I have been burned in the past on game preorders.  So it is unlikely that I will partake of the preorder process.  However, seeing the preorders being opened up is huge news for a game that we have waited on for so long now.

So if preordering is up your alley be sure to swing by their website:

Checkout the trailer as well: