Monday, September 17, 2012

Samsung and the Galaxy S4??

Galaxy S4 in the near future?
It's unofficially-official, that Samsung is expected to unveil the next in it's line of Galaxy phones in February 2013.  Is this Samsung's way of trying to sucker punch Apple.  Within recent weeks Samsung has gotten into heaps of hurt with Apple of their intentional copying of the iPhone design (which they admitted too by the way).  And only mere days after Apple releases the iPhone 5, Samsung basically teases us with their new phone.

I know these manufacturers like to stay ahead of the game and they are all in direct competition with each other, but common Samsung.  People are just now learning the in's and out's of the Galaxy S3.  And some of us are still loving out S2's (me included).  But here is the kicker, what changes will be made to the S4 that still make it great.  Or even can changes be added to make it greater than the iPhone itself?

And it gets even better, not only is Samsung no doubt trying to put the bug in people's ear who may be looking to upgrade their phone with their provider.  But also those who may be coming due for an upgrade between the end of 2012 and February.  Because buzz on the interwebs is that even though they are unveiling the phone in February, the phone is expected to hit the wild no more than a month later.  Making it available sometime in March.

As always, I'll be keeping watch on future developments.  Even though I am not due for another phone for a year still, at this rate by the time I am due for an upgrade maybe the S6 will be out. lol