Monday, June 3, 2013

Gaurdians of The Galaxy Casting News

Following on the tail of Marvel's 'The Avengers' is a movie whose source content is not nearly as well known as 'The Avengers' amongst the general public.  However, for those of us who follow comic books, it seem pretty exciting.  The movie titled 'Guardians of The Galaxy' has all the potential to be a huge film.  And as cautious as I am to say I am excited about this movie, I can't deny the fact that I really want to see Rocket Raccoon on the big screen.  (Just hope it's done right).

And if the previous movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe is any indication, then they definitely have huge shoes to fill.  And what better way to start off the hype, than to build a cast of top billed actors and actresses.  Presently there is still a lot of speculation about the casting, but there are confirmed actors/roles already listed.

We can look forward to seeing the following in their fresh Marvel roles:
-Michael Rooker (of Walking Dead fame) taking on the role of Yondu
-Zoe Saldana will be portraying the deadliest woman in the galaxy: Gamora
-Chris Pratt will be in the role of Peter Quill (aka Star-Lord).
-Dave Bautista from WWE fame is filling the shoes of Draxx the Destroyer

Also credited as part of the cast (but unbilled as to their role in the film) are:
-Glenn Close (possibly as a leader of the Nova Corps.)
-Benicio Del Toro (who knows, but some speculate as Thanos)
-Karen Gillan (possibly playing Death opposite Thanos)
-Lee Pace (unbilled role as of this writing)

I am personally excited for the Karen Gillan as she was a fan favorite from one of my favorite television shows: 'Doctor Who'.  Gillan portrayed the infamous Time Lord's companion 'Amy Pond' for several seasons.  So it's awesome to see her leap from one of my favorite shows into one of my favorite mediums: comic books.

It has been said that Del Toro's role will be included in several other films as part of the ongoing Phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  So I am extremely excited to see how this one pans out.  So as Phase 2 has started unraveling itself for us in 'Iron Man 3', I can't wait to see what Marvel has in store for the future.

I was an 80's kid.  So for me, my childhood was spent watching movies like 'Masters of the Universe' (and dreaming that is was done right).  And then foaming at the mouth when 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles' became a live action film. When it came to the comic books that me and my friends loved so much, we were strictly left to playground fun and collecting action figures.  Now that I'm 31 years old, and we have the creative direction of fantastic directors and productions stafff, and the fact that technology has started to catch up with the types of effects needed for these productions is an amazing thing.

In short, it's a great time to be a comic book nerd.

The release date for 'Guardians of The Galaxy' is 8-1-2014.