Friday, August 5, 2011

Gaming Deals of The Week: OnLive Specials!

Though I am not currently a customer of the gaming service known as OnLive.  I do have some friends who use the services (and are extremely happy with it).  I do get their newsletters in my inbox every week.  And this week there are several deals that look pretty awesome if you're in the market.  And with several hours of today still to go, you have plenty of time to swing by and check it out.

Today's Special: Darksiders for $5.00.  If you're looking for a reason to romp around as on of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, this is a great reason to take up your sword for only $5.

If you're looking for a pretty freakin' affordable way to play games, you might want to check into the PlayPack subscription through OnLive.  You get unlimited play of over 70 titles for only $10.00 a month.  If my internet was any faster, I'd jump all over this service.