Monday, August 15, 2011

"The Dark Knight Rises" Production Footage

As you may know the newest entry in the Batman movie-lineup is currently being filmed, entitled "The Dark Knight Rises".  I am incredibly excited to see the last of the Dark Knight films complete Christopher Nolan's reboot of the caped-crusader.  One thing you typically get when movies are filming (especially in urban settings) is a lot of production footage tends to leak from the sets and shoots.

"The Dark Knight Rises" is no exception, and for whatever reason, seems to have more production footage being revealed than the previous 2 titles combined.  I know a lot of this has caused some backlash, especially with Anne Hathaway's 'Catwoman' costume seems to really be a hot topic among fans as of late.  Personally, I couldn't give a crap what individual characters look like as long as the movie is awesome.  And if the previous entry alone where to be the material to judge from, I hope Nolan has raised the bar with this one.

So, here are some production videos posted on SubaruWRXFan's YouTube Channel.  These are just a few of the clips.  Be sure to swing by his YouTue Channel for a whole bunch more (and I mean a lot more clips).  Great work SubaruWRXFan!

If I lived there, I'd be completely useless at work.  lol  
Seriously, be sure to swing by and show Subaruwrxfan's YouTube Channel some love for bringing the world these great clips.  

*All videos are work of SubaruWRXFan.