Thursday, September 29, 2011

eBayer Gets an Ice Cream Sandwhich?!

Ok, so here is the story.  Man goes visits eBay and buys a Samsung Android based phone.  Phone arrives at man's house; and man is surprised to see the latest unreleased version of Android dubbed 'Ice Cream Sandwhich' installed on his phone...

Apparently his next move was to capture video of it and submit it to Engadget?  Ok, first things first, I can't jump on this train thinking that this is real.  If you're up to speed with Android you'll know it is fairly easy to root most phones and install a custom ROM which can make your device have a much different appearance.  But for story sake, let's keep going.

Not long after Engadget made the post containing this man's video footage, the man returns to his phone to find that it had been remotely locked and wiped...Ok, what do we know.  Supposedly this guy bought a Samsung Nexus S from eBay, found it was loaded with 'Ice Cream Sandwhich' (and unreleased Android OS), and after showing it off to Engadget his phone is now a brick.

Believe what you want, it all sounds to fishy to be real to me.  Personally, I think if he did buy the phone off of an eBay seller, that seller probably slapped a custom ROM on it to emulate or spoof the look they are going for in 'Ice Cream Sandwhich'.  And there are tools available that can grant remote access to some Android phones and proceed with a remote lock and wipe.  Maybe he's been had.

As always, I recommend to read stuff like this and take it with a grain of salt.  Right now the elusive 'Ice Cream Sandwhich' devices and Bigfoot seem to be one in the same.  At least until we see anything official form 'Ice Cream Sandwhich'.