Today we remember the events that transpired on September 11th, 2001. Ten years ago today marks the anniversary of the terrorist attacks that occured in New York, and attempts in Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Many people lost their lives that day. And the families of those killed lost fathers, mothers, children and friends in thos attacks. Some people (the one's on the flights who fought back) became hero's in midst of turmoil, and ultimately still lost their lives.
For our generation Sept. 11th, 2001 marks one of the most significant historical events that forever changed the lives of so many directly affected and (in my case) indirectly affected. I was in college, walking into my Trigonometry Class when the teacher sat in front of the room with an unusually grim look on her face (she was usually a pretty upbeat personality). That's when I noticed the television mounted in the far corner of the room was turned on (we never needed to use it for class). And I saw as the Twin Towers were falling. That single event in history made me realize that this world is a whole lot smaller than I had previously believed it to be. As a nation we mourned for those lost and the blow to our 'understood security' made us all realize our mortality. "In the blink of an eye, everything we know to be can be altered and changed by the actions of a small few or even a single person. Live everyday as though it were your last and love to the fullest". This quote was stated by my Technical Drafting teacher later that afternoon as he told us to "Always remember where you were at this day". Is exactly what Mr. Harrison told us that day. And as long as I breath that will be exactly what I will try to do.
And to the brave workers who ran headstrong into the falling debris to help those in need (most of which now suffer health issues that will be with them for the rest of their lives), I personally say "Thank You" with as modest a heart as I can give. People with the heart, soul, and drive that you displayed are what make me proud to call America my home. The same goes out to the one's who braved the destruction for the following months finding only pain and eventually death among those left in the rubble. You men and women are the embodiment of American spirit.
And finally, to the soldiers who have continued to fight so valiantly overseas and served at home to protect. Thank you for your sacrifice of time with your families and even for giving your lives. Regardless of reasons for fighting, regardless of the sacrifice you have been willing to serve time and time again. Let me be one of the millions to sincerely say "Thank You".
On September 11th, let us always remember that as a nation, things changed. This one event in history altered America's future forever in some form or fashion. Let us all pray for each other as fellow citizens and for the families of the millions of people and families affected by the events from a decade ago. Whether it be the loss of a loved one from the attacks or from serving our country, whether it be from the pain of remembering what happened. Always let the memory bring about a humble tear to our eye and a prayer to our hearts.
Remembering 9-11-2001
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Sunday, September 11, 2011
Remembering September 11th, 2001

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remembering 9-11,
september 11 2001
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