Friday, September 2, 2011

New Game Coming to the F2P Crowd: Star Trek Online

It was announced this week by Perfect World Entertainment (who is now the game's publisher) will be pushing Star Trek Online into the Free-2-Play realm later this year.  And it couldn't be happening under a better publishing company.  Perfect World Entertainment is known for it's high quality, free to play MMO titles.  This is great news for people who like to game on a budget.  Let's be honest, MMO games are a lot of fun (or at least they can be).  But who really likes throwing down around $15 dollars a month just to play a game that we have already bought?

This is why I have previously left games like WoW.  So if you have been looking to try out Star Trek Online but were put off by the monthly subscription rates, then your wait is soon to be over.

STO will join the ranks of other games that have found great success in the F2P genre, including LOTRO, Team Fortress 2, Age of Conan: Unchained, and Champions Online.

And before someone starts screaming, I know WoW now offers a F2P offer as well.  But honestly it's nothing more than an 'unlimited trial' of the game up to Level 20 (and they are still experiencing record numbers of people leaving the game since Cataclysm was released).  But that is for another story altogether.