Just to follow up on yesterday's post about Gamestop now taking iDevice trade-in's. Looks like it's definitely true. I received an email today from Gamestop (since I hold one of their PowerUp Rewards cards). And looks like if you use your PowerUp card at the time of trade-in you will net an extra 10% Trade-In credit.
What I love about the email is down at the very bottom you'll notice the banner that reads: "You can also trade in game systems, game accessories, controllers, and more!". Seriously? How did Gamestop think I started getting their emails...Maybe because at some point in time I shopped there frequent enough to get me email on this list? Maybe that is a possibility...
Is it a bad thing that Gamestop is expanding it's business in this way? Probably not, does it feel like a critical business move? Not feeling that either. I guess it's all good and well as long as kids are willing to trade in their brother's iPod Touch for a some credit towards a game.
And when they start selling the iDevices new, it'll be interesting to see how long they go before opening up the box and taking out the Apple Stickers. (Ok, bad joke...I know.)
Anyways, trade with care.
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