Thursday, January 14, 2010

Minutes to Midnight..And the Wii

This morning at 10:00a EST (3:00p GMT) there will be a live streaming event from the New York Academy of Sciences, looks as though the hands on the Doomsday clock are being moved again. Which way will they go? Tune in to find out. The streaming event can be found at:

When the Doomsclock was first setup it was set as as icon upcoming world catastrophe by nuclear threat. That was in 1947. And since the clock has been moved less than 20 times. Now the clock is more a symbol of threats such as nuclear, global warming, and other such threats. For more information on the history of the clock, check out this really good article which was featured on Google News this morning. ABCNews: Doomsday Clock to Be Moved

And on a lighter note, all you fans of the Nintendo Wii and Netflix. Rest assured, you have not been forgotten. Now that the 360 and PS3 both have Netflix streaming features, so do you. Looks like this spring, Netflix members will be able to stream to the Wii console. Article

Ok, great. But one request Nintendo. Before the end of the world, could you please release a firmware update that unlocks the Wii's dvd player without having to do a softmod? It just makes sense.