Friday, July 1, 2011

F2P News: Age of Conan: Unchained

Fans of MMO's everywhere should be on the edge of their seats...Why?  Because another MMO has adopted a free to play model again.  This time it is Funcom's Age of Conan.  Now, I know a lot of players have their own opinions on AOC; however, I haven't personally played it.  Now that it has a Free 2 Play offering, I may check it out.  I'm an avid fan of Big Bang Theory (the geeky TV show for those not in the know).  And one of the episodes from an earlier season revolves around the guys playing AOC.  It sparked my interest then.

Fast forward a little while, and you'll know that they offered a free limited trial that let players experience the first 10 levels or so of the game.  Which was a cool idea, not sure how well it worked out for them, but it was a cool idea.  Now, they have changed up the offerings somewhat.  When you get into looking at the fine details you'll see that their F2P offering is basically an advanced limited trial type of deal.  See below:

So as you can see they are really trying to tease players to hop back into the game.  Will this help draw people back into Hyboria?  Not sure, will people try it out.  Hopefully they will.  If you're interested visit: