Friday, July 15, 2011

Memory: Call it Soft, Squishy, or Jelly Like?

Researchers at NC States University (located in my home state, way to go guys); have developed a technology they are coining as a 'memristor'.  Simply put it is a memory device made of a "water based gel using iridium and gallium alloys" that can act as a form of memory due to it's capability to be electrically conductive or resistive.

No capacity information is available for this tech but it's pretty cool (and maybe a bit scary).  Think of it this way, with leaps and bounds being accomplished within prosthetic designs, and 'waterproof/water based' computing device...Deus Ex: Human Revolution anybody (where computer tech is surgically built into people for enhanced abilities, but it does look like an awesome game)?  (Okay enough conspiracy theory stuff).

Check out the article over on Engadget for more info.

And meanwhile, treat yourself to a viewing of our future:

Happy Surfing!