Thursday, September 29, 2011

Acer Iconia a500 Nav/GPS Features

Since the update to Honeycomb 3.2, the only feature I hadn't tested out on my Acer Iconia a500 was the GPS or navigation features of the tablet.  One of the things I have been curious about was how the tablet would go about using the GPS features in conjunction with Google Maps (or equivalent) without having a Wifi signal.

In my test this afternoon, not so good.  In fact, I never managed to get the GPS signal to lock.  I tried twice (mostly due to my battery already being low in the first place).  The first time I let it poll for a GPS signal for about 5 minutes while I was in our local UPS Store.  The second attempt, I let it poll for about 3 minutes or so while pumping gas.  Neither attempt was successful.

Despite not getting a lock on a GPS Signal, I did attempt this using two different apps.  The first being Google Maps and the second being Mapdroyd.  Both did nothing when it came to using the GPS feature.  If anybody out there has gotten it to work, drop me a comment and let me know if I'm doing something wrong.