Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Canonical Brightens the Future of Both Ubuntu and App Developers

Ubuntu is probably considered by most to be the most popular Linux distribution.  As of this writing, if you use Google to search the term 'Linux'; you may not be surprised to see that Ubuntu is the first hit to be returned.  And for good reason.  Ubuntu has been built up with great hardware support, ease of use for new users, and it has a higher chance of 'just working' out of the box.

One of the things that it seems like everybody wants more of are apps.  Whether it be on their iPhones, iPods/iPads, Android devices, and even some operating systems now include access to app stores or markets.  Even web browsers are getting in on the action.  So, it only seems to make sense that other operating systems try to further their application support.  And what better way to do this by assisting developers with creating, packaging, porting, and submitting their programs or applications to the Ubuntu Software Center?

That is what Canonical is aiming to do with the release of the Ubuntu App Developer Portal.  They even include a tool called 'Quickly' that is aimed at helping you build your app.  And what is even better, is it is free to use.  'Quickly' also helps with submitting your app to the Software Center.

What is even cooler?  You can either release your apps for free or for a price.  That's pretty cool.  I'm sure we'll start seeing the Ubuntu Software Center offerings grow as more people get turned on the the Developer Portal.

Check it out for yourself at: