Monday, September 12, 2011

An Angry Birds Movie? Could is be a possibility?

Apparently so.  Unfortunately, it looks as though what started out as a simple game with simple, yet cartoony 2D sprites has gained enough momentum to be courted for the concept behind a movie.  I'll have to be completely honest, I loved the game.  But I don't know anyone who actively still sits around jamming out on 'Angry Birds'.  My wife and a handful of friends were all madly addicted to it when it first hit, and now she has moved on to other addictive games on her Android phone.

So what do you think, does the fame of Angry Birds warrant the brand some Hollywood love?  Personally, I would love to get my hands on the Angry Birds plush toys and be able to throw them at people for the fun of it.  But then again, I remind myself that I am 29 years old and such behavior might be frowned upon by certain individuals.  lol

Anyways, if you're looking for more info on an Angry Birds film, checkout the article over at PCMag: "Rovio: Hollywood Calling for 'Angry Birds'"