Thursday, September 15, 2011

Our latest video has gone live, be sure to check it out: "Help Ubuntu!-Video Series: Customizing Ubuntu Pt.1"!

In this video we will cover how to setup Gwibber; so you can let it do the hard work in keeping you updated on what is happening on your Social Networking sites (Twitter and Facebook).  We also cover how to install packages (in my case I will install Google's Chrome Web Browser), and we cover installing and using Ubuntu Tweak.

Ubuntu Tweak is a great tool for new Ubuntu user's because it includes pretty much every setting you'd ever want access to all within a single location.  From changing desktop settings, and login screen options.  All the way down to installing packages and even editing the Source Code (if that is your cup of tea).

And as always, be sure to visit my YouTube Channel and 'Like' the video and Subscribe so you stay updated on the latest videos when they go live!

TechieSmarts on YouTube:
Also, find me on Twitter at:
And be sure to 'Like' our Facebook Fan Page as well:

Happy Surfing!