Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Avengers Official Trailer!

So today Marvel decided to throw the world a bone and let us see what we've been building up the last couple of summer's to see; a first look at none other than: The Avengers!  In what equates to nearly a 2 minute trailer we get a great trailer for the upcoming flick.  In it you will see the team of superheroes in all their glory.  From Captain America, Iron Man, HawkEye, Black Widow, Thor, and of course Mr. Nick Fury.  And we finally get to see some shots of Banner transforming into The Hulk!  We also get a few shots of Loki; but still nothing concerning the Skrulls.  And Marvel hasn't confirmed the Skrull's involvement in the movie either; it's purely been speculation as to whether or not this flick will show us Loki's alliance with the Skrulls.

We also get a few quick glimpses of some strife within the group with Tony Stark antagonizing Steve Rogers and even shots of a fight sequence between Thor and Captain America.  The common denominator: Captain America doesn't get along with others, I guess??  Anyways, the flick looks awesome and I absolutely can't wait to see it.  For those who haven't seen the trailer yet, enjoy!