Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What is Microsoft Smoking?

Seems like they might have lost their minds.  Now it looks as thought they are back peddling and claiming they never dropped support for the Zune?  Um, well you're website said you were...And by telling the world they're all crazy isn't helping Microsoft's case.  I mean seriously folks, if it the news of discontinuing the Zune was a mistake or accident; just release an announcement and clear the air.  Don't make us all shake our heads and think we're crazy.

Today the website claiming discontinued support has vanished and Microsoft tweeted across their Zune Twitter feed the following: "We are still supporting the Zune hardware. No official info has been released stating hardware is being discontinued." via @ZuneSupport

So what's the deal?  Is there a disgruntled employee willing to spill the beans about a possible drop of Zune support?  Did someone accidentally post the discontinuation the other day and now damage control is being done?  Or is Zune Support out of the loop?

Interesting none the less.  But seriously; confusing customer's will only make them go buy iPods.