Wednesday, October 5, 2011

India Has a $35 Dollar Tablet

Last year some news headlines hit the world in a storm when it was reported that some folks in India were trying to develop a cheap tablet.  Their goal was simple, to develop a tablet and keep it cheap and affordable.  What they came up with was the concept for a $35 tablet.

Now, first and foremost let's keep this in perspective.  At $35 for a tablet, you're not going to be getting much.  But they endured anyways, and now a Canadian company by the name of DataWind is indeed manufacturing these devices for the people of India.  Don't expect these puppies to show up here in the U.S. or at least not anytime soon.  And if they do migrate to the U.S., I definitely wouldn't expect the tablet to retail for $35.  Maybe somewhere between $50 to $100.  Our tablet market just isn't willing to stoop that cheap quite a yet.

And if they do roll out for $35 bucks a piece, I'd buy one for each room in the house.

So let's take a look at what $35 dollars would buy you in India:
-7 inches of screen real estate.
-2GB storage capacity.
-366MHz Processor
-Running the Android OS (not sure which version)

In other words a 7inch tablet with smartphone guts from 3 years ago.  But for simple tasks like connecting to the web and web browsing; I'm sure it's probably enough.