Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tablet Owners Not Paying for News, Surprised?

It goes without saying that the way the world consumes content has changed.  Ten years ago, it was very common for people to come home from work and sit down and watch the evening news and read the Sunday paper.  Fast forward to 2011 and how many people do you see sitting in their office at lunch reading the paper.  How many of us actually sit down and watch that television show they call the 'Evening News'?

The vast majority of us access our news via online means.  Whether it be subscribing to a news source via online editions or issues or just reading the headlines on Google News.  So it's shock to me when the Pew Research Center released their findings in the study as to whether or not tablet owner's are willing to pay for news content.  And their answer was 'No'.  Something like 14% of tablet user's who use their device for news content polled had actually purchased access to news content.

And while a lot of times these 'polls' can be ignored because they are sometimes so far out there they just don't make sense.  I tend to believe this one.  Seriously, why should we be forced to pay for news content when there are so many reputable places online to get the same stories for free of charge?  I can honestly say that I get into reading the news more now than I ever have.  And it has become a nightly habit to check the headlines before hitting the hay for the night.  I'm sure this trend will continue unless every reputable news source decides to lock down their services for cash.  Which I don't foresee happening anytime soon.